Building My Digital Brain Part 3: Requirements

Building My Digital Brain Part 3: Requirements
The 9 Requirements I have for my digital brain.

This is part 3 in my series on building my own digital brain.

In this post I outline the requirements I have for my digital brain:

Requirement 1: Digital Brain Ownership and Control

Corporate owned digital brains like ChatGPT meet all my requirements except 1:

Ownership and control.

When using ChatGPT, I don’t own my digital brain, they do.

I don't want a company to own my physical brain...

And I don't want a company to own my digital brain for all the same reasons.

That’s why ownership and control is my #1 requirement.

(I go into detail on how I think about this in Part 2 of this series).

Requirement 2: Smart

I want my digital brain to be an expert in my pocket on any topic.

Siri is a dumb example of a digital brain. 

I rarely use it.

ChatGPT is a smart example of a digital brain.

I use it all the time.

So my personal digital brain needs to be smart.

And when it has access to my personal data, it needs to be smarter than ChatGPT.

If it’s smart I’ll use it.

And if it’s dumb I will not.

Requirement 3: Personalized 

The more data I give my digital brain, the more personalized its advice should be.

It should remember what I tell it.

And then incorporate my instructions into future conversations...

Without me having to tell it again.

Requirement 4: Easy to use 

Corporate owned digital brains like ChatGPT are easy to use.

My digital brain needs to be equally as easy to use...

Or I'll just default back to using ChatGPT.

Everything should happen via chat.

It should require no programming from me.

And no movement away from the chat window.

Requirement 5: Mobile First

I want my digital brain with me at all times.

That means it needs to live on a mobile device...

Currently that's my iPhone.

It should also work on desktop.

But if there are tradeoffs that need to be made, they should be on desktop and not mobile.

Requirement 6: Fast

30 seconds may not sound like much. 

But think about a conversation with 30 second pauses between each person talking. 

Talking with my digital brain should be at least as fast as talking to a person.

Requirement 7: Secure

If someone was able to access all the information in my physical brain it would be a huge issue for me.

The same is true for my digital brain.

So it must be 100% secure.

Requirement 8: Voice & Vision

I’d rather have a human expert that I can talk, text, and show things.

The same is true for my digital expert.

Requirement 9: Modular

I want to be able to use the best components available for my digital brain.

And the state of the art is changing rapidly in AI.

So it needs to be easy to swap out old components for new and better components.

This is what is referred to as a “modular” system. 


I currently have 9 requirements for my personal digital brain:

  1. I own and control it
  2. Smart
  3. Personalized
  4. Easy to use
  5. Mobile first
  6. Fast
  7. Secure
  8. Voice & Vision
  9. Modular

Have questions or comments on these components or think I missed something?

Let me know in the comments section below.

Thanks for following along on my journey towards building my own digital brain.

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P.S. I'm building a community for people interested in creating, controlling and benefiting from their own AI driven digital brain.

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